Body Image in the world of Snowsports instructors
Shopping for new ski gear as I attempt to get ready for the next upcoming ski season has me thinking about body image within the ski industry and more specifically within the instructor industry. I've found that most of the discussion out there is centered around competitive athletes and how they can support each other. There is less out there about coaches and instructors. I'm here to change that. The only way we can make change is to start talking about it.
I'd like to take a moment to say that this article may touch on some sensitive subjects surrounding body dysmorphia and eating disorders and is intended to be a discussion, not fact. If you're seeking help please look at the links below to find professional help.
Issues surrounding body image are apparent regardless of the industry you work in but I think that it does make a difference. Each career path has different appearance priorities and physical expectations and pressures. I think that it can become more complex when you work in sport and instruction.
Body image issues can come in many forms and can be far more complex than what we initially think. We can believe our weight to be too high or too low, that we don’t have enough muscle mass, or that our muscles make us look too bulky. Perhaps we think our height makes us look awkward, we are embarrassed by scars or skin conditions, or we think we look too old or too young, not glamorous enough, or too glamorous for work. In more serious cases there can be genuine body dysmorphia and eating disorders which make the matter both more intricate and serious. If we can find a reason to be unhappy with the bodies we live in, we tend to find and focus on it, and when your body is somewhat of a machine that we use to do our job, it can become incredibly overwhelming. In this article, I am going to explore the topic of body image and confidence, relationships with food, and general attitudes among snowsports instructors. I'd also like to use this as an opportunity to open the discussion on how we can make possible changes to help everyone feel their best in this industry.
Where are the body image concerns within the Instructor industry?
Misconceptions of ski instructor health
A little personal insight from me
Sizing In women's snowsports gear clothing
Where are the body image concerns within the Instructor industry?
Body image in ski racing and how it's not dissimilar for us instructors.
Life as a female ski racer is tough. Although I haven't been a ski racer myself, I can definitely see some similarities between the race circuit and being an instructor. There's the pressure to perform, to push your body through an intense set of demanding daily circuits to carve out the type of body that will win races. As an instructor, we put ourselves under very similar pressure to upskill and pass our exams. There is always encouragement to work towards your next certification in the instructor industry. And then there's the pressure to look good, especially if you're the world's most famous skier. I also think that despite not being famous, instructors are regarded as the ‘Gods of the mountain”, example figures for people to look up to and be inspired by, all of which bring lots of pressure to perform and look a certain way. Let alone wanting to look good for our increasingly busy social lives too.
In March this year, World Cup alpine ski racer and gold medalist, Lindsey Vonn opened up about her body image issues after retiring from ski racing.
"I have cellulite; I have stretch marks. I work out every single day, and I still have all those things..." Another racer Resi Steigler commented: "Lindsey set the precedent that you have to work really hard, that you have to be strong instead of skinny...My legs are bigger for sure. It's not ideal if you're thinking about your basic body image, but at the same time I'm learning to feel that strength is really beautiful."
Another ski racer expressed: "We can use media to show that we are women and not men. For me, it's more important that my legs work for skiing and not just to look good on Instagram. But if you have a healthy body, it looks good ...we're working out every day so we can be proud of the way our body looks."
And I couldn’t agree more, we need to embrace the media attention given to the pure talent that these men and women have as well as giving them the platforms and freedom to express who they are both inside and outside of sport.
We are in this together as women and men who are proud of what we do and work our bodies hard to achieve amazing sporting goals. We are also all individuals learning how to move, improve, and respect our bodies. It is so important that we understand that everyone’s journey in body confidence is individual and whether you’re a snowsports instructor, racer, or other, you deserve to be applauded for your sporting efforts, shown how to train your body to perform at your very best, and made to feel proud and beautiful and unique outside of your sport too. After all, there is no ‘perfect body’ in or out of sport and style is so personal.
Misconceptions of ski instructor health
I’ve spoken to a few new female instructors in the industry who have told me their thoughts before they became an instructor. A few said they thought they’d arrive to other instructors talking about how they stay fit and what they eat, worried there would be a lot of pressure to live in a certain way to fit in and succeed. I am happy to say that all of the instructors were pleasantly surprised once they started instructing, expressing how inclusive, non-judgemental and supportive the team is at NZski. I have since learned that its not just at NZski, but that other ski schools also harness this inclusivity around the world. If you've been a part of a ski school where you didn't have such a positive experience in this way, I would love to hear about it so that we can work to help improve them.
We live in a diet obsessed world and often this pressure to diet is heightened in sporting environments. Being away from this pressured obsession while being surrounded by people who generally care about a balanced healthy lifestyle is so refreshing.
A little personal insight from me
I believe there is a huge link between exercise and mental health and skiing for me is something that really improves my mental health. My sister died from an eating disorder so body image and relationship with food is important to me. I am proud to have a healthy relationship with food myself and I love and respect my body.
My personal experience is that instructors acknowledge how busy we are day to day. We are outside in the fresh air also putting our bodies under a lot of pressure. Fuelling our bodies with the right nutrients is essential to give us the energy to keep going! That said, nobody is perfect and the lifestyle is all about having fun too! So there is no shame in having a few pints at the pub after work, or enjoying a full English breakfast on your day off and the occasional whole fatty pizza to yourself. I have found that most instructors are relaxed, easy going and balanced when it comes to what we eat.
I would also like to add how nurtured and empowered I have felt while training alongside NZSIA trained instructors and examiners. I have not once been judged for my lack of fitness, the lack of sleep I had the previous night or what I eat at lunch, only educated in what are some of the best practices to help me achieve my ski goals within a reasonable time frame. Super awesome and another reason I absolutely love my job.
Being able to wake up and do the thing you love every day and get paid for it really is the definition of a dream. So yeah, ski instructing really is that good. Yeah it can be stressful but it’s all worth it for the friends you meet and if it improves your mental health as well, then it’s a no brainer.
It is a tricky subject to navigate but we should not just ignore the issue put before us because we find it hard to talk about.
In the end what we want is to be judged on our abilities and efforts, not our image or stereotype. Diversity and Equality. Education and Options. We need to be better at helping each other and set the tone for the next generation to come. If we champion these efforts and position ourselves as an industry that is progressive with these areas, then I have high hopes for our futures and each other.
Sizing In women's snowsports gear clothing
One of the main gripes I have with regards to body image and the ski industry is wrapped up in our ability to buy size inclusive good quality gear.
It all started when I was much younger and had a ski holiday lined up and needed some new ski pants. I was in the UK at the time pretty clueless of where people buy their ski clothes. Once I found a few shops, I started the hunt and tried on a good 30-40 different pairs of ski pants all of which were either too long when they fit my thighs or too large around the waist if they were to fit around my ass. I eventually found a pair but they weren't very flattering nor were they high tech material to keep my legs dry and warm and I certainly didn't have a choice in what color I could wear. To find a pair that fit I'd end up with a 2xl and put up with them being too long and having to wear a bunched up belt. Not ideal.
Many years later I now work in the industry and I'm surrounded by different shops and various brands of snowsports clothing from affordable to long lasting and high tech materials as well as sort after brands. I'm still struggling to find ski pants that fit my legs and bum and waist with enough room for thermals in a style that doesn't look like marshmallow legs.
I've had quite a few conversations with others recently before writing this and most of those I've spoken to have decided that the industry isn't widespread enough to warrant change. I disagree. Where there is money being spent there can be customisation that need it!
I am aware that the snowsports industry is niche and also mainly accessible to the wealthier individuals and/or families in society, especially when it comes to those working in the industry but that of course isn't everyone who wants to wear ski clothing. My priority is to voice the need for more 'curvy' fit ski pants and jackets fit for bustier gals so that those of us who need to wear it as uniform every day or train to compete can stay comfortable and feeling great in our high tech gear.
Teaching in Japan has also opened my eyes to the different shapes and sizes of people who want to give skiing a go and it isn't just the sporty athletic types! Though I acknowledge getting great at skiing does require a certain level of fitness, trying it for a week to enjoy sliding in the snow requires a lot lower level of fitness and people should be able to find gear to fit them to give it a go!
If you know of any ski gear brands that are more curvy and size inclusive, please reach out! I'd love to spread the word about it.
I hope this blog post helps to contribute to a positive conversation around body image issues and supporting each other. - Beat. Eating disorder help and advice charity - Mental Health Foundation. Provides support for people with mental health problems - Rethink. Gives support and advice for those who feel they need it - A nurse led, UK based Eating Disorders charity providing support for those directly and indirectly affected by eating disorders. Our charity offers a free assessment with signposting and advice to both service users and families / carers if appropriate. If you're concerned about a friend or family member you feel might have an eating disorder, call us on 01733 391 537 or visit the website to fill out a confidential referral form.
If you'd like to add to the discussion please leave a comment below or get in contact via email or Instagram, I'd love to feature more articles from other perspectives!
The Ski Nomad